
Order Deadline: August 22 at 10:00p
Store ID: 582
Buyers pay online. Make sure players name is included so fundraising credit is given to specific player.
Delivery/Pick-up: September 12 at the Mora Civic Center time TBD (usually between 5p - 6p)
Order Deadline: October 4
Pickup: October 21 at the Mora Civic Center (Time TBD).

raffle calendar sales
The Calendar Raffle fundraiser is an important part of the overall success of MAYRA. Without full participation from everyone, there is a risk of increased registration fees.
Each player is required to sell five (5) calendars (up to 2 players). You are responsible for keeping track of all calendar raffle tickets. You MUST turn in the money (cash or check), the prize drawing slip, and any unsold tickets prior to the November 30th deadline. If you lose any calendar raffle ticket(s) or calendar drawing ticket stub(s), you will be responsible for the cost of that raffle ticket(s). First year families will not be required to sell raffle calendars.
You will be required to submit a deposit check for your raffle calendars. (i.e. If you have 1 player and 5 raffle calendars to sell your deposit check will be $100. If you have 2 players and 10 raffle calendars to sell your deposit check will be for $200). When your raffle calendar stubs and money are returned on or before the November 30th deadline, your check will be destroyed. If you do not return your raffle calendar stubs and money collected on the deadline (no exceptions will be made) your check will be cashed. If for some reason your check is returned to MAYRA for non-sufficient funds, your player will be redlined and not allowed to participate until the funds are provided. MAYRA’s gambling manager, Jodi Erickson, will be distributing raffle calendars, collecting check deposits, and handling all aspects of this fundraiser.
You will be rewarded for selling more raffle calendars! For every raffle calendars you sell over and above your required 5 per player, you will get $5 off 2024/2025 year’s registration fees.
Calendars must be picked up on registration day, Wednesday, August 16th or by contacting the MAYRA Gambling Manager, Jodi Erickson at ph. (612) 501-6949. This is a required fundraiser.
Jodi Erickson
Gambling Manager

personal fundraising funds
If this is your families last year with MAYRA (9th grade)
Your funds raised would be donated to MAYRA scholarship fund.
If your player decides to no longer play hockey
Your funds raised would be donated to MAYRA scholarship fund.
If your player gets moved up to JV/V or it is decided not to have a Bantam/15U team
Your funds can go towards your jv/varsity fees (only the fees that are due to Mustang boosters. NOT your activity fee) if there are funds still left those will go towards MAYRA scholarships.